In December 2020 we invited every Cairn tenant who pay service charges to share their views and opinions on our proposals for how those services could be managed in the future. We received 188 responses, which is 8.5% of the surveys issued. Tenants were generally positive towards the quality of information provided on service charges…
Tenant Involvement
Results of the Repairs Survey
Thanks very much for giving your feedback on our repairs service through the last newsletter email. Your feedback is really useful and lets us know what is important to you. It is reassuring that most of the feedback is positive and supportive of our service delivery. Overall, our tenants value the quick response times of…
Have your say on service charges
Last year we made changes to how we manage service charges. These changes were designed to simplify service charges and make them easier to understand. We did this after listening to feedback and complaints from tenants and the Customer Panel. To make service charges even more simple, fair and consistent for tenants, we have asked…
Have your say! Highland Housing Register Allocation Policy – Public Consultation
We need your views on the changes we’re proposing to make to our Housing Allocation Policy. Please take part in our short survey. You can find the survey online at Alternatively, you can fill in a paper survey form (add contact for this). The changes affect anyone applying for housing. We’ve emailed or written…
How Satisfied Are You?
We have introduced a quick and easy way for you to give us feedback on our services by email or text. The move to digital surveys has meant that our response rates has more than doubled from the same period last year. This is great as the more feedback we get from you, the more…
Mutual Exchanges Policy Consultation
Cairn and our partners in the Highland region are consulting tenants and prospective tenants on proposed changes to our Mutual Exchanges Policy. Mutual Exchanges help tenants to move by swapping their homes with other tenants. We are proposing to update the criteria we use to make decisions. The proposed changes are to: make better…
Results of our newsletter consultation
We recently sent an email survey to 1,237 Cairn tenants to ask their views on the frequency, content and format of the Cairn Focus newsletter. 109 people completed the consultation, which is a response rate of 8.8%. The survey asked a series of multiple-choice questions and questions that allowed our tenants to provide written feedback….