Quality of Housing and Neighbourhood

Our SHQS compliance is improving, though still below the Scottish average. This is as a result of electrical safety checks being added to the indicator. We had been on a three year programme to carry out electrical safety checks but have accelerated this to a two year programme. As such, we have improved our performance in this year and next year we should have fully caught up.

Overall satisfaction

Homes meeting SHQS

82.9% Tenants satisfied with quality of housing
76.6% Tenants satisfied with management of neighbourhood

Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements

Our time taken to complete emergency repairs remains strong, and we have made improvements in the time it has taken us to complete non-emergency repairs. We keep our repairs service under continuous review and have a big network of contractors to pool from to safeguard us. We had a sub-contractor go out of business last year but as we have good contingencies in place the impact on our tenants was minimised as much as possible.

Average time taken to complete emergency repairs

Average time taken to complete non-emergency repairs

82.5% Tenants satisfied with repairs service
9,018 Number of repairs completed
91.8% Repairs 'right first time'
92 Number of new homes built

Antisocial Behaviour and Complaints

Our performance around responding to complaints remains strong. We resolved 90.9% cases of antisocial behaviour on target and we aim to improve this next year.

254 Number of cases of antisocial behaviour reported
90.9% Percentage of antisocial behaviour cases resolved on target
179 Number of complaints received
100% Percentage of complaints responded to on target
0 Number of tenants evicted due to antisocial behaviour

Tenancy Sustainment

Our income team continues to go from strength to strength. Last year they managed to gain almost a million pounds in additional income for our tenants. A phenomenal achievement.

This year, we have been working as hard as ever to help those struggling with their finances or worried about their tenancy. If you’d like to chat to a member of our team or want information of other organisations we can signpost you to, please get in touch. We are also regularly sharing important and informative resources over on our social media pages so please give us a follow on Facebook or Instagram if you haven’t already.

494 Number of people helped with our welfare benefits and money advice service
£967,464 Amount gained
78 Number of medical adaptations completed
9 Number of abandoned properties


After improving the average number of days for us to re-let properties last year, we have increased slightly this year from 68 to 81 days.

This is largely due to letting some of our retirement court properties that have been sitting empty for a while due to low demand. When we let properties that have been empty for a while, this pushes our average number of days up significantly.

We will continue to focus on improving our performance in this area.

Average number of days taken to re-let properties

3,896 Number of homes
432 Number of homes available to rent this year
10.9% Percentage of tenancy offers refused

Rent and Money

We collected 104% of the rent due to us, which is significantly higher than the Scottish average of 99%. This figure also includes former tenants who were in rent arrears, which is why this figure is above 100%.

Rent collected as percentage of rent due

Percentage of rent loss through properties being empty

£84.49 Average weekly rent
£19,315,160 Rent due
£583,017 Rent lost because of arrears
0 Number of tenants evicted because of rent arrears
68.5% Tenants who feel rent is good value for money

Tenant Participation and Communication

Satisfaction with keeping tenants informed

Satisfaction with opportunities to participate

125,846 Number of visits to our website
1,716 Number of tenants signed up to My Cairn
42,240 Number of calls to our contact centre
2,390 Number of webchats
1,509 Followers on Facebook

More Information

We hope you enjoyed our 2023 Annual Report.

We’d love to hear what you think about the report or our performance.

If you’d like to find out more, you can visit the Scottish Housing Regulator website to see how Cairn compares to other housing associations and local authorities.