Hello! Welcome to our
2019 Annual Report.

This report sets out how we’ve performed over the last financial year and includes some key figures and information we hope you’ll find interesting.

This year we have created a report that you can interact with. Simply scroll down, click on the flashing illustration and have a read. You can also choose to listen to the audio if you prefer.

This is our performance; warts and all. We hope you enjoy it.

Scroll down for overall satisfaction

84% of tenants are satisfied with the overall service they receive from us. This has dropped 3% since 2016. It compares with the Scottish average of 90.1%. We recently held focus groups to find out why our satisfaction has gotten worse. We are producing an action plan based on the feedback we received.

Scroll down for tenant participation

84.2% feel that we are good at keeping them informed about our services and decisions. After staying the same for the last three years, this has dropped 3%. It compares with Scottish average of 91.6%.

73.7% of tenants are satisfied with opportunities given to them to participate in our decision-making process. We have improved almost 5% since last year. However, we are still below the Scottish average of 86.5%. We have completed a Scottish Government programme on tenant participation so we hope this figure will continue to improve.

Scroll down for average monthly rent

We have 3,289 properties across Scotland. £14,562,111 in rent was due to us in the last year, with our average weekly rent being £89.41. This is above the Scottish average of £80.39. A third of our properties are retirement courts that pay a service charge. If the service charges are removed our rents are comparable to the Scottish average.

Scroll down for repairs

9,773 repairs were completed.

99.8% of repairs appointments were kept. This figure has stayed fairly consistent for the last few years, and is slightly better than the Scottish average of 95.6%.

89% of the repairs we carried out were completed right first time. This has dropped from 97% since 2016, and is below the Scottish average of 92.5%. Last year our non-emergency target times were too ambitious, and repairs that didn’t make that target immediately failed ‘right first time’. Following consultation with tenants we have changed our repair target time, which should see us improving next year.

84.1% of tenants are satisfied with our repairs service. This figure has consistently stayed at 89.1% over the last few years but has dropped 5% this year, and is below the Scottish average of 91.7%. We are researching why this is and is something we will be focusing on improving.

We completed emergency repairs in an average time of 1.4 hours. Our performance has improved from 3.9 hours back in 2016 and is significantly better than the Scottish average of 3.6 hours.

We completed non-emergency repairs in an average time of 5.1 days. This has stayed roughly the same over the last few years and is slightly better than the Scottish average of 6.6 days.

Scroll down for antisocial behaviour

We received 247 reports of antisocial behaviour. Our cases of antisocial behaviour had been dropping steadily; from 170 in 2016, to 136 in 2018, but has risen again. This is because we have improved the way we record cases, but also because we have seen an increase in antisocial behaviour this year. We are trying to spot issues earlier and work with tenants before issues escalate further.

We resolved 89.5% of antisocial behaviour cases within our target times. This is an area where we are continuing to improve: we were at 70% in 2016 and 79% the last two years. We are now above the Scottish average of 87.9%.

Scroll down for property turnover times

332 properties became available to rent this year.

On average, it took us 44.9 days to re-let properties. For the last three years we have been well below the Scottish average of 31.9 days, with our performance being as good as 14 days and always below 20 days. This is because of a couple of reasons: we let some properties that had been ‘out of management’ for a long time, and we have struggled with a shortage of contractors in the Highland area. We have increased the size of our in-house repairs team to help us carry out major void works.

Scroll down for income collected

We lost 2% of our income through properties being empty. This figure has grown from 0.6% in 2016 and 0.9% last year, and is now above the Scottish average of 0.9%. Our performance has dropped this year due to the average time taken to re-let properties increasing.

We collected 98.3% of the rent due to us. This is an area we’ve excelled in over the last few years, reaching 103% twice in the last three years. We are now slightly below the Scottish average of 99.1%. This is largely because of Universal Credit. Despite these challenges, our rent collection remains strong and we have reduced the level of rent arrears owed to us this year.

Scroll down for planned improvements

We installed 35 kitchens, 51 bathrooms and spent £487,000 on planned maintenance to tenant’s homes.

Scroll down for SHQS

94.1% of our homes meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard set by the Scottish Government. This is exactly the same as the Scottish average. We were unable to improve that figure this year as some of our properties are exempt, and some tenants won’t allow us in to do the necessary work. We will improve this figure when we’re able to. For example, when a tenant moves away.

Scroll down for ways you contact us

We received 43,897 calls to our contact centre, and had 497 webchat conversations. 464 tenants are signed up to My Cairn.

Scroll down for Cairn Community Fund

13 fantastic projects were funded through our Community Fund including a community allotment, girls football club, an arts and crafts project, musical instruments for workshops, and a community choir.

Scroll down for Best Companies result

We achieved the ‘Best Companies Top 100 Best Not-For-Profit Companies to Work For’ for the second year in a row.

Scroll down for Handyperson achievement

Our Handyperson service celebrated its 10 year anniversary.

Scroll down for benefits and money advice

282 people were helped by our welfare benefits and money advice service, with a total gain of £548,194 for our tenants.

Scroll down for new homes built

We built 62 new homes. We are on track to build 400 new homes by 2023.

Scroll down for ANCHO partnership

ANCHO tenants voted overwhelmingly in favour of a new partnership with Cairn, 94% of votes were in favour on a turnout of 61%.


We hope you enjoyed our 2019 Annual Report.

We’d love to hear what you think about the report or our performance.

If you’d like to find out more, you can visit the Scottish Housing Regulator website to see how Cairn compares to other housing associations and local authorities.

You can also find our financial and governance information here (PDF).

Thanks for reading.

Until next year 😊


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