Community Living for over 50’s
We have housing specifically for those aged 50 and over. These properties are perfect for those who want to live as independently as possible, while having the peace of mind that comes with living amidst a friendly community. Each court differs, but residents can enjoy a range of on-site facilities such as a communal lounge and garden, fully equipped laundry room, lift, guest room for family and friends, library and 24/7 pull cords.
Helpful staff
Our court Coordinator offers not only a friendly face but is also responsible for looking after the security of the building and carries out regular health and safety checks to give residents peace of mind.
Hassle free
Repairs and maintenance, garden upkeep and window cleaning are all taken care of as part of your service charge.

I’d be happy for my parents to live here.

You don’t have to worry about gardening, window cleaning or putting your bins out.
As a social landlord and registered charity, Cairn believe everyone should have access to high quality, affordable homes. We operate with the interests of tenants, rather than profit, at the heart of everything we do. Your rent is filtered back into Cairn to continue to improve our services.

As a social landlord, we are committed to affordable housing.
Safe and secure
With secure door entry systems, on-site staff, emergency alarm systems and living amidst a community of neighbours, living in one of our courts can provide reassurance.

We’re very happy here. If I go out, I know my husband is safe and Leanne is always on hand.
Friendly community
Our communal lounges offer a place where residents can come together to socialise. Depending on the court, different events within the lounge may be run by the Court Coordinator or the residents themselves, and range from afternoon tea, to bingo, book clubs and, of course, birthday parties!

Lovely neighbours, lovely friends, it’s the perfect place.