We have rebuilt your online tenant portal, My Cairn, from scratch to offer an improved experience with a better design and access to new online services. The all new and improved My Cairn has been developed in-house by the Cairn team, which means we can quickly respond to your ideas and feedback with new features.
We are grateful to a group of existing My Cairn users and members of the Communication Group who volunteered to be beta testers in the final stages of the site’s development. Their feedback has put the finishing touches to the site. We will be continually adding new features and functionality over the weeks and months ahead.
The redevelopment of My Cairn is part of our Digital Futures strategy, which has seen a radical change to the use of technology within Cairn.
Please register for an account and let us know what you think.
Please note that because this is a new system previous My Cairn users will have to register for a new account. To register you’ll need your name, email address and your 18-digit tenancy reference number, which is shown on your rent statements. Don’t worry, if you can’t find your tenancy reference number, our Customer Services team will be able to complete your registration for you.