Cairn Housing Association has renamed their Inverness Office in memory of Caroline MacAskill who passed away in October. Caroline’s colleagues and friends wished to pay lasting tribute to her legacy at Cairn.
Speaking at a short ceremony attended by Caroline’s family and colleagues, Jason MacGilp, Cairn’s Chief Executive, said:
“Caroline was a highly valued member of the Cairn team and we were keen to commemorate her great work and commitment to Cairn over the years. Caroline was committed to providing a great service to our tenants, and as well as the office renaming, we shall also be naming a new annual Staff Award for Customer Excellence after Caroline.”
Caroline’s husband Ian MacAskill said:
“Caroline was passionate about the important things in her life, her family, her horses, her dogs, her home and her work.
She was especially passionate about homes. She believed everyone should have their own home, their own security, their own place. A fundamental basic for a good life.
She was so proud of Cairn, the team, what Cairn stands for and what it is trying to achieve. She would have been so proud of this honour.”