ANCHO is a housing association with 850 properties for social rent and provides factoring services to 200 owner occupiers with the majority in North Ayrshire. ANCHO has an annual turnover of £3.8m and is a registered social landlord with the Scottish Housing Regulator.
ANCHO is part of the Cairn Housing Group, following the establishment of the constitutional partnership with Cairn Housing Association in November 2018. With ANCHO, the Group provides homes and services in communities across Scotland.
ANCHO’s Mission is to create neighbourhoods where people want to live.
ANCHO’s Values are Integrity, Friendliness, Respect, Excellence.
ANCHO’s Board has responsibility for good governance and direction of the service, supported by the local ANCHO staff team and the Senior Management Team from Cairn. As part of our succession planning, we are seeking to recruit new Board Members who have a real desire and interest in helping our organisation achieve its aims and objectives and contribute towards providing an excellent service to our tenants and the local community.
As a voluntary position it will not be paid but travel and other expenses for attendance at meetings can be claimed. You will need to commit to attending up to 9 meetings per year (currently evenings and mostly in Irvine). As part of our succession and development approach we encourage and support Board members to commit to personal development through training, seminars and conferences or study visits and involvement in working groups across Cairn Group.
We welcome interest from candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and we would be particularly keen to hear from you if you have experience in:
- Commercial / Finance / Business Growth
- Property, Asset Management and Development
- Community Development and Social Enterprises / External Funding
- ANCHO tenants and local community
We are committed to equality and diversity and welcome approaches from all sections of the community with the relevant skills and experience.
If you wish to discuss this matter informally, or for further details and an Application Pack please contact: Carolyn Owens, Governance Services Manager, on Tel: 0800 990 3405, email or write to us at Cairn Housing Group, 22 Hopetoun Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4GH.
Closing date for applications is Friday 10 January 2020.
It is anticipated that interviews will take place on the evening of 15/16 January 2019.
Visit their website at for more information.We look forward to hearing from you.